# Getting Started


This documentation is the same for both the customer and clerk applications.

You'll need access to our Airtable workspace in order to access the bases. Please request access from a member of the Healthy Corners team.

# Setup

  1. Requirements

    Install yarn and Node using your favorite package manager (we recommend Homebrew (opens new window) for macOS users). We use yarn instead of npm because that's what Expo uses under the hood to manage its dependencies.

    Install Expo. You can learn more about it on Expo's website (opens new window) - we develop under the managed workflow.

    • Install expo-cli.
    yarn global add expo-cli
  2. Clone the repo and install dependencies

    • Clone this repo using git clone
    git clone https://github.com/calblueprint/dccentralkitchen.git
    • Run yarn install in the downloaded repo. This will install all dependencies that are listed in package.json.
    yarn install
  3. Add environment files

    • We use environment.js as our config file for secrets and API keys. Duplicate environment.example, name it environment.js, and fill in the following:
      • AIRTABLE_API_KEY: if you are the primary developer and have access, use the healthycornersdev account's API key. See Airtable's guide on how to find your API key (opens new window).
      • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: you can find this in your Sentry account API/Auth Tokens (opens new window). We've found that this isn't necessary for the app to run in development, but is still good to have in preparation for publishing.
      • (Customer app only) HC_SECRET: this key is needed to make calls to our backend server to send SMS confirmation messages when users sign up for SMS notifications. You can find this key in Heroku's config vars. More about Heroku config vars in the Backend Server Getting Started Guide.
    • We use .env.generator as the config file for the airtable-schema-generator package. See the Airtable section for more. Duplicate .env.generator.example, name it .env.generator, and fill in the missing variables.


    As with most secrets, please do not ever commit API keys! You will need to reset your key(s) if that ever happens, since the security of the application is compromised.

  4. VS Code Setup (ESLint and Prettier)

    We develop with Visual Studio Code (opens new window) as our editor. It has a packed marketplace of extensions that you can install; the useful ones in our case are a code linter and formatter - eslint (search Extensions for dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) and prettier (search Extensions for esbenp.prettier-vscode), respectively.

    These are dependent on certain devDependencies found in package.json: eslint-plugin-react, eslint-config-prettier, etc but should all be installed already via yarn. The rules for the linter and formatter are in .eslintrc.js and prettier.config.js. The configuration for VS Code is shared and enforced across developers for this project; it's found in .vscode/settings.json.


    We noticed that because VS Code and Prettier (the extension) sometimes conflict with their formatters, formatting can be slightly inconsistent even with the formatOnSave option in VS Code's settings.json. See this for more: https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode/issues/716 (opens new window). Thus, we run prettier in a pre-commit hook.

# Contributing

# Development lifecycle

These code quality and lifecycle improvements were originally added to the customer repo in PR #23 (opens new window), and to the clerk repo in PR #6 (opens new window).

# Creating pull requests (PRs)

  • The template can be found in .github/pull_request_template.md. This template is pre-loaded through GitHub when anyone clicks "Create a Pull Request".
  • PR descriptions are written in GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) (opens new window). One tip is that you can copy/paste or drag-and-drop images directly into the PR description, and GitHub will upload and link those for you.
  • Install Loom (opens new window) as a Chrome extension or desktop application for easy screen recordings.

# Git hooks & package.json scripts

  • Pre-commit hook: lint & format

    • husky (opens new window) enables easy usage of Git hooks, while lint-staged (opens new window) runs a series of scripts on only staged files.
    • Notably, this will prevent you from committing unless you fix the lint errors. If you find an exceptional case where fixing the lint errors is undesirable, VSCode makes it easy to add a // disable <rule-name> line. You should not commit with --no-verify, as this will just cause the errors to snowball. Fixing lint errors also helps you learn good practice when writing JavaScript/working in React.


      See the PRs (Customer #128 (opens new window) and clerk #50 (opens new window) where we enabled the linter and linted the entire repo for examples.

  • Post-checkout/merge/write hook: yarn package management

    • We use yarnhook (opens new window) to watch package.json and yarn.lock for changes; it'll automatically trigger a yarn install to make sure your packages are up-to-date.
  • package.json scripts

    • These are listed in package.json under scripts. They are mostly shorthand for convenient terminal commands. Run these with yarn script-name, e.g
    yarn lint-all

    Most of these do not require arguments, with the exception of pretty, which requires a target - either a pattern or a filename.

    yarn pretty components/*.js

# Working with Airtable

You'll need to fill in REACT_APP_AIRTABLE_API_KEY with your personal API key once you have access to the workspace. This can be found in your Airtable account overview page (opens new window). You should never commit this key! In the unfortunate event that you do, click "Regenerate API key" on the same page.

First, read through the general "Working With Airtable" page for an introduction to working with Airtable and the airtable-schema-generator package, which generates custom helper functions based on a specific Airtable base's configuration, or "schema".

In our code, we only ever call functions in request.js; see lib/<feature>Utils.js for example usage of the helper functions.

You'll notice that the workspace contains multiple bases. Likely, you will only really interact with the [DEV] and [PROD] bases - if you take a look at environment.js (which you should have created in the Setup section), you'll see that the environment variables auto-switch to connect to the [DEV] base in "development" mode using various flags. To elaborate, we only connect to the [PROD] base in "production"; this assumes the Expo release-channel is called prod. If that doesn't exist, check if NODE_ENV is production, which is true when an app is published via Expo, or when you click "Production mode" via the Expo UI. The original PR for auto-switching (opens new window) has helpful screenshots, though we added fallbacks and fall-throughs since then.

What all that means is that when you're developing locally, you should be working with the [DEV] base. Once your updates have been deployed to the App Store, use a test account from the [PROD] base to see if your updates are working properly.

# Directory structure

When adding to the repo, try your best to adhere to our structure, but these are just general guidelines. There will always be exceptional cases, so use your best judgment as to whether to (and where to) create new files.

  • components: Reusable React components (e.g repeated often within a screen, used across several screens, bulky components which are extremely complex, general-purpose components).
  • constants: In general, try not to hardcode IDs or values. For example, we keep rewardsDollarValue and rewardsPointValue in constants/Rewards.js. See the constants doc.
  • lib: Shared Javascript functions, and the Airtable generated files. Most of these are named <feature-name>Utils.js, in accordance with the files or subfolders of screens. We generally extract these as long as the function doesn't need to use this.<variable-or-function>, especially if it's a lengthy function. Many of these are also reused across files.
  • navigation: The logic for all the application navigation. See the navigation docs.
  • screens: The content for the individual screens displayed in the app. These are sometimes categorized into subfolders based on feature (customer app).
  • styled: Contains the styled-components corresponding to various components and screens. Generally named <feature-name>.js.

# Deploying to the App Store(s)

Please see the Managing & Deploying Apps section - here's the app store update doc.

# References

Development lifecycle: